I’m 44 and a big fan of Lego. Luckily for me I have two young boys who also love Lego, which gives me the perfect excuse to continue playing with it as an adult. We build cars, caravans, houses, spaceships
You will never learn a new skill by just watching videos
How to really make an impact in the age of skills Years ago, I developed a simple matrix where I plotted the complexity of a topic on the x-axis and proficiency levels on the y-axis. I then started to map
What is my favorite LXP platform?
I recently received this same question from several contacts and clients: with all these technology providers in the market and new LXP platforms being introduced, what is your favourite Learning Experience Platform? I recognize the challenge (see also this great
Creating a data driven L&D
Why a data driven L&D? Almost every business is transforming into a digital and data driven organization. Shell is using vast amounts of data to find new oil and gas fields, Novartis is harvesting data to find the next best